Mycro Greens

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True farm-to-fork sustainability with a focus on environmentally friendly operating practices and an overall vision of a sustainable food production system for our future.

What we Did

Visual Identity


Mycro Greens, while offering a premium product with immense health benefits, faced the challenge of standing out in a market where the nuances of microgreens might be lost on the average consumer. Their Kelowna-based operations, deeply rooted in sustainable practices, needed a way to effectively communicate the superiority and uniqueness of their offerings, both to individual consumers and to restaurants in the Okanagan region. Additionally, in an era where consumers expect seamless online shopping experiences, they sought a digital platform that could handle customer orders effortlessly, be it one-time or recurring, without compromising the freshness and quality of their produce. The goal was not only to showcase their diverse range of microgreens but also to educate and inspire their audience about the importance of sustainable food production and the unparalleled nutritional benefits of their products.


The burgeoning health-conscious community in Kelowna presented a prime opportunity for Mycro Greens to position themselves as the go-to source for nutrient-rich microgreens. With a clear demand for fresh, organic, and non-GMO produce, there was a chance to not only cater to individual consumers but also to partner with local restaurants, emphasizing the culinary and health benefits of their products. The rich agricultural heritage of the Okanagan region further amplified the potential for Mycro Greens to champion the farm-to-fork movement, emphasizing their sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. This presented a dual opportunity: to educate the community on the benefits of microgreens and to solidify Mycro Greens' reputation as a trusted, local, and sustainable provider.

Visual Identity

Rooted in nature, nourished by community

Marrying the lush landscapes of Kelowna with the essence of organic growth, our visual identity for Mycro Greens is a celebration of nature, health, and local pride. Earthy tones, vibrant imagery of fresh produce, and modern typography come together to emphasize the brand's commitment to quality and community. Candid shots of the team further reinforce the brand's genuine, approachable ethos, making it a true reflection of the spirit of Kelowna.

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Capturing greens in their culinary element

Through our lens, we showcased the vibrant allure of Mycro Greens, not just as a product, but as an essential culinary ingredient. Our photography highlights the freshness and vitality of the microgreens, emphasizing their role in elevating dishes to new gastronomic heights. By capturing them in local restaurants, we illustrated their versatility and transformative power, both in terms of visual appeal and flavor enhancement. Each image tells a story of how these tiny greens can make a significant impact, adding a burst of color, texture, and taste to every dish they grace.

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A digital greenhouse: where commerce meets community

Crafting a digital space for Mycro Greens, we seamlessly integrated e-commerce functionalities with an immersive brand experience. The website serves as a marketplace for their fresh, organic microgreens, facilitating easy ordering and subscription options for both individuals and restaurants. Beyond transactions, the platform educates visitors on the myriad benefits of microgreens, weaving together product listings with rich content. Vibrant imagery, intuitive navigation, and user-centric design ensure that every interaction is as refreshing as the greens themselves, making the journey from browsing to buying a delightful experience.

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Experience the blend of nature's purity and digital excellence with our work for Mycro Greens. Ready to transform your brand's presence? Collaborate with us and let's sow the seeds of your success story.